Account Classification Based on TTM and LTY Spend in Dynamics 365

This cloud flow automatically classifies accounts in Microsoft Dynamics 365 based on their Trailing Twelve Months (TTM) Spend and Last three years (LTY) Spend data. The flow evaluates these financial metrics and assigns the appropriate Account Type category accordingly.

Flow Process Overview:

  1. Trigger:

    • The flow is triggered by changes in the TTM Spend or LTY Spend fields on an account record in Dynamics 365.

    • It runs everyday to pick up any new records added to the system

  2. Data Retrieval:

    • The flow fetches the TTM Spend and LTY Spend values from the relevant account record.

  3. Conditional Logic for Classification:

    • The flow evaluates the TTM Spend and LTY Spend against predefined thresholds.

    • Based on the comparison, the account is categorized into one of the following Account Types:

      • Gold Account (e.g., TTM and LTY Spend exceed a high threshold)

      • Silver Account (e.g., moderate spend levels)

      • Bronze Account (e.g., minimal spend)

      • Dormant or NO LTY Accounts (e.g., no spend in the last 12 months)

  4. Update Account Record:

    • The system updates the Account Type field in Dynamics 365 accordingly.

    • Additional actions, such as notifying account managers or logging classification history, can be included as needed.


This automated process ensures that accounts are categorized consistently and efficiently based on their financial activity, enabling better account segmentation, targeted marketing, and strategic sales efforts.


Project Two